We offer an integrative approach to counselling which incorporates several theories and also allows a flexible and adaptive approach, so the work is not a one size fits all process. Some approaches we draw on include:

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

The counsellor may take more of a directive role in the counselling process. They work with the client to achieve agreed goals and clients may receive homework to do outside of the sessions. These may include thought records, reading or diaries. The counsellor teaches clients ways to change thoughts and expectations, and it is proven to be useful for stress-related ailments, phobias, obsessions and depression.

Client-Centred Therapy

This approach draws on the view that the client is fully capable of fulfilling their potential. Clients are allowed to freely express any emotions and feelings without being judged in any way enabling the client to come to terms with negative feelings or emotional problems and develop personal skills. The objective is for the client to be in control and see that they have the freedom to change.

Attachment Theory

Attachment theory looks at the relationships between people. Attachment is a strong emotional connection, such as the bond between a child and caregiver. It helps to explain development and personality and, attachment to other human beings are the hub around which clients life revolves. From these attachments, a client draws strength and enjoyment of life. The counsellor and client work together to explore these attachments and how they influence the client’s life positively or negatively, what the client’s innate needs are and how to meet these needs.


This is a specific way of intentionally paying attention to one's thoughts and, it draws on the idea that one negative thought can cause a chain reaction of negative thoughts. Clients are encouraged to pay attention to each thought and see them as thoughts, not fact. This breaks the chain and gives mental space to re-centre/ground a client in the present.