He toa taumata rau — Bravery has many resting places.

Sexual abuse is an unspeakable act – yet the most effective path to recovery is talking about it. It is common for sexual abuse survivors to experience a deeply felt sense of shame and humiliation about what happened. This can prevent survivors from accessing the help they need to move on.

Sexual abuse counselling isn’t about reliving the trauma of what happened – it’s about reclaiming your sense of self in the aftermath of abuse. Rather than the re-traumatisation of focusing on the abuse, we are wholly centred on equipping sexual abuse survivors with practical tools and techniques to:

  • Process what has happened
  • Reduce distressing after-effects
  • Strengthen resilience
  • Repair and build self-esteem
  • Improve coping mechanisms
  • Accept that the abuse need not define who they are
  • Enhance health, safety and general wellbeing

How we work:

  • We use a person-centred approach and work in partnership with you, and at your own pace

  • We offer a warm, non-judgmental, caring relationship to empower you to consider beneficial change and/or to off-load challenging uncomfortable thoughts and feelings

  • We listen with understanding and without judgement

  • Details of the counselling are confidential. No information is passed onto anyone else without your permission

  • Our counsellors are trained and skilled in the area of sexual abuse

Counselling is free


Sexual Harm and Crisis Support Counselling Contact: Shannel Whare
 07 346 2096   shannel.whare@familyfocus.org.nz